
Contemplations: November the 5th.

"Remember, remember, the 5th of November; the gunpowder, treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot." -- V

Over the years, this iconic Guy Fawkes mask has grown to become a potent symbol inspiring change; reshaping ideologies of struggling collective individuals across the world, specifically in the Western hemisphere. History claims that this symbol's origins date back to as far as 1605, November the 5th, to an actual Guy Fawkes or Guido Fawkes and the failed Gunpowder Plot, an assassination attempt against King James I of England -- all of which resulted to his and his comrades capture and unorthodox, brutal execution.

Infamous by its romanticized film, V for Vendetta and its comic book counterpart, this masked symbol, in all its glorified meaning has somehow breached through fictitious realms and into this very own reality. Guy Fawkes as a mere historical figure has now been changed dramatically over the course in time. The idea that his symbol holds has been used to serve any political purpose for civilians to use whenever they should dare wish to rise above and speak to their government, such as applied by protesters active in the Occupy Wall Street Movement - a recent series of ongoing protests in New York City led by lobbyists and financial service sectors. Wondrous how such ideals traced back to a historical point have moved the modern people to rise up and fight for their rights.

In this time and age, I would like to attest that we too have our freedom fighter of sorts; a unique man that has intrigued me since the day I first discovered his existence: Julian Assuange, founder and editor-in-chief and director of the infamous non-profit organization renowned for their stunning publications of thousands of classified government documents all around the world, WikiLeaks. After years of unending issuing of private information to a global public, Assange now struggles with his fight to appeal for extradition against the Swedish government. Despite alleged scandals made against him, in my mind, he still remains to be one of the greatest spearheads in making us see the value and vitality of information provided by responsible media-people to a massive-scale audience.
 "It is not an ultimate freedom, however free speech is what regulates government and regulates law. That is why in the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights says that Congress is to make no such law abridging the freedom of the press. It is to take the rights of the press outside the rights of the law because those rights are superior to the law because in fact they create the law. Every constitution, every bit of legislation is derived from the flow of information. Similarly, every government is elected as a result of people understanding things." -- Julian Assange, on the limitations of "freedom-of-speech"
Just a little piece of my mind about the world and what this day means to people such as Assange, his site contributors and basically, to people out there fighting for something outside of themselves. I've been reading random entries of WikiLeaks for hours now. Try it. The archives vault is simply astounding. Pick a country and get the most classified dish you could ever give yourself to care about. My tribute to this dedicated and fearless organization is all the more heightened on this ostentatious day of reckoning. Thought I'd put word on it if I could.

Point of which I'm getting to: Worldwide, the fifth of November now holds more meaning than just a commemoration for a failed revolutionist (or rather, terrorist who wanted to blow up the House of Parliament with set comrades back in the day), and the film with which sparked such bold shifts in ideology and demeanor. Because of this world phenomenon, this should inspire anyone (with or without any political struggle) to head towards change for the betterment in one's own life, in other's lives and if possible, the world outside of them. Today is about rising above one's on fears for good, combating life's daily struggles and the garish strict norms imposed on us by society and political spheres around us. So today, find ways to fix your daily struggles, do away with your fears, stand up for what you believe in, be more aware speak your mind. Do whatever it takes and fight for what you think is right. 

Today is just about the commemoration of a historical figure, nor a fictitious character nor even the modern figure which we have in our living day. Rather, today should be about how one is capable in his own little way to challenge his current state of being and rise above it, aware but unafraid. The mentioned infamous figures are there to inspire; they should be more than enough for any individual to apply the ideologies they wanted to embark in what little way we can in our own daily lives.

If it's worth it, fight for it. 

"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."

Well, that's a handful enough for today. I know I've done my part living the very ideals of what this day truly means. Question is: have you?

Off for a V for Vendetta ritual with Lancelot and a warm cup of noodles.
Cherio, world.

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